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Nigerian Dwarfs
According to ADGA (American Dairy Goat Association):
"The Nigerian Dwarf is a miniature breed of dairy goat originating in West Africa and developed in the United States. The balanced proportions of the Nigerian Dwarf give it the appearance of the larger breeds of dairy goats, but does stand no more than 22.5 inches (57 cm) and bucks no more than 23.5 inches (60 cm). Any color or combination of colors is acceptable. The medium length ears are erect and alert. The face is either straight or dished, and the hair is short and fine.
"To measure you are to set the front legs as squarely as possible under the withers and the rear legs so that when an imaginary line is drawn from the pin bone to the ground, it passes through the hock. The head should be up and the goat should be on level ground. The measuring tool should be parallel to the front legs and the cross bar be level across withers. Measured at the highest point of withers." (www.adga.org)
Now what I know:
Nigerian Dwarf goats are a miniature breed. They are mainly milk goats, but they can also be raised for meat. They have one of the highest butterfat contents of all goat breeds, which makes their milk fairly sweet and efficient for cheese and butter.
They are very personable and are fun to watch. They come in a wide variety of colors. Dairy goats don't tend to push on fences as hard as meat goats in general, but ours run with our meat goats so they tend to wander more than the average dairy herd. They don't jump as high, just because of height, but the babies especially- if they can fit their head through the hole their body will follow. After about a year to a year and a half, their body fills out and especially once they've had a kid or two they slow down on running through the fence. The babies look like stuffed toys and run around like little hyper-active energizer bunnies. It's hilarious to watch them play with Kiko kids who are quickly big into head-butting. The Nigerian kids we've had so far aren't as quick to head-butt but love a game of fast tag.
Our Nigerians are easy to keep at a good weight as far as feeding, we're finding it harder to keep them from being fat than to keep them from getting too thin. Basically my best advice would be to do all the research you can before deciding on a breed of goat, and if you want it for meat or dairy or just as a pet. Then whether you want to make money on goats or not.
I got my goats from Happy Kids Hollow in Plattsburg, Missouri, Dill's-A Little Goat Farm in Oklahoma, Beards&Tales Farm in Emporia, Kansas, Parrish Farms in Illinois, and from Lil'Bleats in Colorado.
In the list of my herd I have their Pedigree to their grandparents, and their barn name. I've also marked which ones have blue eyes (*) which is a trait that runs with Nigerian Dwarfs and theoretically all goats. When I talk to you about a goat, should you be interested, I will more than likely refer to their barn name since it's easier for me to spell most of the time and remember. We are trying to get all of our herd registered in both AGS and ADGA, so as with one of the bucks, there may be name differences, I will specify if there is and what name goes to what registry. Sorry for any inconvenience. God Bless.
I am currently studying at Langston University in Oklahoma, studying agricultural business and accounting, so more often than not during the school year the schedule for looking at goats for purchase will have to be on my parents' schedules. But please feel free to contact me and I will answer as well as I can.
B B Goats Angelus Aureus (Aury)
Born: March 27, 2015
-SS: Holloways Picasso Blue
Sire:RP Farm Sir Walter Scott
-SD:Icthus WWA Sestreire
-DS: Beards & Tales Farm Phantmgold
Dam: BB Goats 3rd X's a Charm
-DD: Beards & Tales Farm Kordelia
B B Goats Brown Sugar (Sugar)
Born: April 28, 2014
-SS: Holloways Picasso Blue
Sire:RP Farm Sir Walter Scott
-SD:Icthus WWA Sestreire
Dam: Beards & Tales Farm Saidie
BB Goats PG Candied Jasmine
Born: April 23, 2017
Doeling-Nigerian Dwarf
-SS: TX Twincreeks WOC Visa Gold
Sire: Beards & Tales Farm Phantmgold
-SD: Lost Valley Too Bad P.Y.T. G
-DS: AGS Promiseland CP Fort Knox
Dam: Dill's FK Caramel Candy
-DD: Dill's BF Caramel Machiato
Dill's FK Caramel Candy (Bugs)
Born: February 25, 2012
-SS: AGS Caesar's Villa CBS Cowpoke
Sire: AGS Promiseland CP Fort Knox
-SD:AGS Hayseed Farms Mocha Gold
-DS: NC Promisedland RC Bonafide
Dam: Dill's BF Caramel Machiato
-DD: Dill's W Cafe Mocha
B B Goats 3rd X's A Charm (Charm)
Born: March 10, 2013
-SS: TX TwinCreeks WOC Visa Gold
Sire: AGS Beards & Tales Farm PhantmGold
-SD: AGS Lost Valley Too Bad P.Y.T.
-DS: GCH AGS Tiny Tales Paul Bunyan
Dam: AGS Beards & Tales Farm Kordelia
-DD: Tiny Tales Farm Black Ice
Lil Bleats NB Charmin You All (Stitch)
Born: April 15, 2016
Sire: Heaven's Hollow Noble
Dam: Tx Twincreeks Rm Mocha Martini
Born: May 5, 2012
-SS: SKY T20 Commander
Sire: BLM Kapitan
-SD: DSL V23 Marie
-DS: ARMCH Tiny Tales Paul Bunyan +*S VG
Dam: Beards & Tales Kordelia
-DD: Tiny Tales Black Ice
B B Goats Honeydew (Honey)
Born: February 22, 2014
-SS: TX Twincreeks WOC Visa Gold *S
Sire:Beards & Tales Farm PhantmGold
-SD:Lost Valley Too Bad P.Y.T. G
-DS: ARMCH Tiny Tales Paul Bunyan +*S VG
Dam: Beards & Tales Farm Astartie
-DD: Tiny Tales Black Ice
BB Goats MoT Jumanji
Born: March 30, 2017
Doeling- Nigerian Dwarf
-SS: Sage-Acres Sho Moment in Time
Sire: Parrish Farms Matter of Time
-SD: Sage-Acres Sho Squirt-O-Luv
-DS: RP Farm Sir Walter Scott
Dam: BB Goats Shogi
-DD: BB Goats Miss Kitty
IK Caprines Kennzy (Kenzie) *Blue Eyes
Born: April 4, 2010
-SS: Willow Creek Walk-Away Joe
Sire: IK Caprines Merkel E
-SD: Starbucks Sierra
-DS: Twin Creeks WB Hero Of The Day *S
Dam: Simple Pleasures Pinky Lee
-DD: Ponders End MTB Dynasty
B B Goats Miss Kitty (Kit)
Born: March 13, 2012
-SS: Tiny Tales Black Jack
Sire:Jacksons Royal Acres Wild
-SD:Simple Pleasures RWC Abalone
-DS: ARMCH Tiny Tales Paul Bunyan +*S VG
Dam: Beards & Tales Farm Astartie
-DD: Tiny Tales Black Ice
B B Goats Piper's Paradise
Born: December 21, 2013
Sire: Dill's GA Cowboy Cassanova
DS: LPC JP Boudreaux
Dam: LPC B Suede
DD: Dill's ShilohMtnFarm Ashleigh
B B Goats Pixie Snap
Born: April 18, 2015
SS: TX Twincreeks WOC Visa Gold
Sire: Beards & Tales Farm Phantmgold
SD: Lost Valley Too Bad P.Y.T.
DS: LPC JP Boudreaux
Dam: LPC B Suede
DD: Dill's ShilohMtnFarm Ashleigh
B B Goats Scarlett Sunset
Born: December 21, 2013
Sire: Dill's GA Cowboy Cassanova
DS: LPC JP Boudreaux
Dam: LPC B Suede
DD: Dill's ShilohMtnFarm Ashleigh
B B Goats Shogi
Born: April 11, 2015
SS: Holloways Picasso Blue
Sire: RP Farm Sir Walter Scott
SD: MarKan Farms Polly
DS: Jacksons Royal Wild
Dam: BB Goats Miss Kitty
DD: Beards & Tales Farm Astartie
LPC B Suede
Born: November 29, 2010
-SS: Pine Shadows JJ Jean-Paul
Sire: LPC JP Boudreaux
-SD: Pecan Hollow TW Lolia
-DS: PromisedLand CAD El Dorado *S
Dam: Dill's ShilohMtnFarm Ashleigh
-DD: Dill's BH Fly By Night
B B Goats Wild Gypsum Rose (Gypsy) *Blue Eyes
Born: May 18, 2012
-SS: Tiny Tales Farm Black Jack
Sire: Jacksons Royal Wild
-SD: CH AGS Simple Pleasures Abalone
-DS: AGS IK Caprines Merkel
Dam: AGS IK Caprines Kennzy
-DD: AGS Simple Pleasures Pinky Lee